Chart Reading

Price Reject Continuation Trading Chart Pattern

In contrast to a confirmed resistance or support reverse pattern, the price reject pattern is intended to give a continuation trading setup. The pattern would occur after an initial reverse went through a price point that rejected and continued the current swing – for instance break support and then have it shift to resistance and reject, continuing the sell direction.


Chart Reading

Confirmed Price Resistance Or Support Reject Chart Pattern

Trading method chart reading video discussing the confirmed price reject pattern that is very useful for short option entry timing, since the pattern includes a price failure of support or resistance, combined with a momentum extreme. Also discussed is a chart misread, where a reject only might be traded directly into an underlying continuation setup.


Facebook Trading

Facebook Chart Continuation And Reversal Trading Patterns

This facebook trading video discusses questions from 2 previous videos: (1) What is you options trade scenario – from a trading position adjustments video (2) Is the blue dot a confirmed support reject setup – asked from a price reject continuation trading video.


Options Spreads Adjustments

Trading Method Strategies And Adjustments To Options Spreads

You may think of our trading strategy setups for entering or exiting trades. But they may be used for making option spreads adjustments to the individual legs, which can then increase overall profits, when compared to holding the spread intact until expiration.


Options Spreads Adjustments

Options Spreads Timing Setups For Entries And Exits

When you leg into or out of an option spread, you do your trade 1 strike at at time instead of as a spread. Timing this ‘properly’ can give a number of trading profit benefits – including making more money on the spread than its maximum at expiration, and doing credit spreads that can’t lose money.


Options Spreads Adjustments

Options Spreads And Legging Into Individual Options

This video discusses legging into and out of option spreads, and reviews a timing problem with a spread legged exit. A 4.00 spread price hit the trader’s trailing price of 3.00 on a gap [and I am all for that decision], but instead of exiting the spread at one time, they tried to leg out and only ended up with 1.80.
