Facebook Trading

Facebook Stock Options Combination Trading 11-6 To 11-7

Facebook trading video that discusses stock and options trades after the 11-6 buy is exited and a 49.15 short is done 11-7 along with short calls. Also discussed was the risk reward for the ratio shorts, along with modeling for a call buy-put sell if support holds.


Facebook Trading

Facebook Stock Option Video 11-4 To 11-6 Trading Day

Facebook trading video that discusses the 11-4 to 11-6 trading chart and the trades done, along with going over a number of what if scenarios for making possible position adjustments or additions. Also discussed were the different short options and their breakeven ranges and whether they needed to be protected or covered.


Facebook Trading

Facebook Stock Option Video 11-1 Trading Day

Facebook trading video that discusses the 11-1 trading chart and the trades done, along with going over a number of what if scenarios for making possible position adjustments or additions. Also note the discussion on using faster charts when there is increased 2-way movement, because of the lag caused to the position chart.
